Publications of the group
Dipolar magnetostirring protocol for three-well atomtronic circuits
Héctor Briongos-Merino, Felipe Isaule, Montserrat Guilleumas, Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Spin-orbit coupling in symmetric and mixed spin-symmetry
Ayaka Usui, Abel Rojo-Francàs, James Schloss, Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Phys. Rev. A 111, 023305 (2025)
Anomalous quantum transport in fractal lattices
Abel Rojo-Francàs, Priyanshu Pansari, Utso Bhattacharya, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Tobias Grass
Bound impurities in a one-dimensional Bose lattice gas: low-energy properties and quench-induced dynamics
Felipe Isaule, Abel Rojo-Francàs, Bruno Juliá-Díaz
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 049 (2024)
Microscopic contributions to the entropy production at all times: from nonequilibrium steady states to global thermalization
Ayaka Usui, Krzysztof Ptaszyński, Massimiliano Esposito, Philipp Strasberg
Few particles with an impurity in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
Abel Rojo-Francàs, Felipe Isaule, Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Universal composite boson formation in strongly interacting one-dimensional fermionic systems
Francesc Sabater, Abel Rojo-Francàs, Grigori E. Astrakharchik, Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 193401 (2024)
Spinor Bose-Einstein condensates subject to current-density interactions
Maria Arazo, Montserrat Guilleumas, Ricardo Mayol, Vicente Delgado, Antonio Muñoz Mateo
Phys. Rev. A 110, 023316 (2024)
Simplifying the simulation of local Hamiltonian dynamics
Ayaka Usui, Anna Sanpera, María García Díaz
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023243 (2024)
Stable SAP-like collective charging of ultracold atoms quantum batteries
Abel Rojo-Francàs, Felipe Isaule, Alan C. Santos, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Nikolaj Thomas Zinner
Phys. Rev. A 110, 032205 (2024)
Ultracold dipolar bosons trapped in atomtronic circuits
Marc Rovirola, Héctor Briongos-Merino, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Montserrat Guilleumas
Phys. Rev. A 109, 063331 (2024)
A BCS state formulation for the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas
Francesc Sabater, Abel Rojo-Francàs, Grigori E. Astrakharchik, Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Revisiting Thomson’s model with multiply charged superfluid helium nanodroplets
Ernesto García-Alfonso, Francesco Ancilotto, Manuel Barranco, Fausto Cargnoni, Nadine Halberstadt, Martí Pi
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 224303 (2024)
Superexchange liquefaction of strongly correlated lattice dipolar bosons
I Morera, R Ołdziejewski, GE Astrakharchik, B Juliá-Díaz
Physical Review letters 130 (2), 023602 (2023)
Self-bound crystals of antiparallel dipolar mixtures
M Arazo, A. Gallemí, M Guilleumas, R Mayol, L Santos
Physical Review Research 5, 043038 (2023)
Chiral currents in Bose-Einstein condensates subject to current-density interactions
M Arazo, M Guilleumas, R Mayol, V Delgado, A Muñoz Mateo
Physical Review A 108, 053302 (2023)
Quantum entanglement patterns in the structure of atomic nuclei within the nuclear shell model
A Pérez-Obiol, S Masot-Llima, AM Romero, J Menéndez, A Rios, A García-Sáez, B Juliá-Díaz
Eur. Phys. J. A 59, 240 (2023)
Nuclear shell-model simulation in digital quantum computers
A Pérez-Obiol, AM Romero, J Menéndez, A Rios, A García-Sáez, B Juliá-Díaz
Scientific Reports 13 (1) (2023) 12291
Nanoscopic jets and filaments of superfluid He-4 at zero temperature: a DFT study
Ancilotto, Francesco, Barranco Gómez, Manuel, Pi Pericay, Martí
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 144306 (2023)
Superfluid helium droplet-mediated surface-deposition of neutral and charged silver atomic species
Berta Fernández, Martí Pi, and María Pilar de Lara-Castells
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,25, 16699-16706 (2023,)
Breakup of quantum liquid filaments into droplets
Francesco Ancilotto, Manuel Barranco, and Martí Pi
Phys. Rev. A 107, 063312 (2023)
Clustering, collision, and relaxation dynamics in pure and doped helium nanoclusters: Density- vs particle-based approaches
Ernesto García-Alfonso, Manuel Barranco, Francesco Ancilotto, Martí Pi, Nadine Halberstadt,
J. Chem. Phys. 159, 074305 (2023)
Self-sustained deformable rotating liquid He cylinders: The pure normal fluid 3 He and superfluid 4 He cases
Martí Pi, Francesco Ancilotto, Manuel Barranco, Samuel L. Butler, and José María Escartín
Phys. Rev. B 108, 054524 (2023)
Observing the primary steps of ion solvation in helium droplets
Simon H. Albrechtsen, Constant A. Schouder, Alberto Viñas Muñoz, Jeppe K. Christensen, Christian Engelbrecht Petersen, Martí Pi, Manuel Barranco,
Henrik Stapelfeldt,
Kinetic magnetism in triangular moiré materials
L. Ciorciaro, T. Smoleński, I. Morera, N. Kiper, S. Hiestand, M. Kroner, Y. Zhang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, E. Demler & A. İmamoğlu,
Nature 623, 509 (2023) (
Optical properties of concentric nanorings of quantum emitters
V. Scheil, R. Holzinger, M. Moreno-Cardoner, H. Ritsch,
Machine learning one-dimensional spinless trapped fermionic systems with neural-network quantum states
J. W. T. Keeble, M. Drissi, A. Rojo-Francàs, B. Juliá-Díaz, and A. Rios
Phys. Rev. A 108, 063320 (2024)
Direct diagonalization method for a few particles trapped in harmonic potentials
Abel Rojo-Francàs, Felipe Isaule, and Bruno Juliá-Díaz
Phys. Rev. A 105, 063326 (2022)
Merging of superfluid helium nanodroplets with vortices
José María Escartín, Francesco Ancilotto, Manuel Barranco, and Martí Pi
Phys. Rev. B 105, 024511 (2022)
Universality of quantum liquids and droplets in one dimension
Ivan Morera, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Manuel Valiente
Physical Review Research 4 (4), L042024 (2022)
Attraction from frustration in ladder systems
I Morera, A Bohrdt, WW Ho, E Demler
Efficient nano-photonic antennas based on dark states in quantum emitter rings
M Moreno-Cardoner, R Holzinger, H Ritsch
Optics Express 30, 10779-10791 (2022)
Quantized vortex nucleation in collisions of superfluid nanoscopic helium droplets at zero temperature
Ernesto García-Alfonso, Manuel Barranco, David A. Bonhommeau, Nadine Halberstadt, Martí Pi, Florent Calvo
J. Chem. Phys. 157, 014106 (2022)
Quantum nonlinear optics based on two-dimensional Rydberg atom arrays
M Moreno-Cardoner, D Goncalves, DE Chang
Physical Review Letters 127 (26), 263602 (2021)
Dynamics of equilibration and collisions in ultradilute quantum droplets
V. Cikojević, L. Vranješ Markić, M. Pi, M. Barranco, F. Ancilotto, and J. Boronat
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043139 – (2021)
Dynamical generation of dark-bright solitons through the domain wall of two immiscible Bose-Einstein condensates
Maria Arazo, Montserrat Guilleumas, Ricardo Mayol, and Michele Modugno
Phys. Rev. A 104, 043312 (2021)
Nanoscale continuous quantum light sources based on driven dipole emitter arrays,
R Holzinger, M Moreno-Cardoner, H Ritsch
Applied Physics Letters 119 (2), 024002 (2021)
Renormalization-group study of Bose polarons
F Isaule, I Morera, P Massignan, B Juliá-Díaz
Physical Review A 104 (2), 023317 11 (2021)
Polarization control of radiation and energy flow in dipole-coupled nanorings
J Cremer, D Plankensteiner, M Moreno-Cardoner, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083052 (2020)
Simplifying the design of multilevel thermal machines using virtual qubits
Ayaka Usui, Wolfgang Niedenzu, and Marcus Huber,
Phys. Rev. A 104, 042224 (2021)
Tracing non-Abelian anyons via impurity particles
N Baldelli, B Juliá-Díaz, U Bhattacharya, M Lewenstein, T Graß
Physical Review B 104 (3), 035133 6 (2021)
Static properties of two linearly coupled discrete circuits
A Escrivà, A Richaud, B Juliá-Díaz, M Guilleumas
J of Physics B: Atomic, Mol and Opt Physics 54 (11), 115301 (2021)
Supervised learning of few dirty bosons with variable particle number
P Mujal, À Martínez Miguel, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz, S Pilati
SciPost Physics 10 (3), 073 1 (2021)
Functional renormalization for repulsive Bose-Bose mixtures at zero temperature
F Isaule, I Morera, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz
Physical Review A 103 (1), 013318 2 (2021)
Universal dimerized quantum droplets in a one-dimensional lattice
I Morera, GE Astrakharchik, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz
Physical review letters 126 (2), 023001, 20 (2021)
Few bosons to many bosons inside the unitary window: A transition between universal and nonuniversal behavior
A Kievsky, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz, NK Timofeyuk, M Gattobigio
Physical Review A 102 (6), 063320 11 (2020)
Fractional angular momentum and anyon statistics of impurities in Laughlin liquids
T Graß, B Juliá-Díaz, N Baldelli, U Bhattacharya, M Lewenstein
Physical Review Letters 125 (13), 136801 11 (2020)
Orbital angular momentum dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in two stacked rings
E Nicolau, J Mompart, B Juliá-Díaz, V Ahufinger
Physical Review A 102 (2), 023331 7 (2020)
Static and dynamic properties of a few spin 1/2 interacting fermions trapped in a harmonic potential
A Rojo-Francàs, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz
Mathematics 8 (7), 1196 8 (2020)
Entanglement entropy in low-energy field theories at a finite chemical potential
I Morera, I Frérot, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033016, 1, (2020)
Spin-orbit-coupled bosons interacting in a two-dimensional harmonic trap
P Mujal, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz
Physical Review A 101 (4), 043619, 2 (2020)
Quantum droplets of bosonic mixtures in a one-dimensional optical lattice
I Morera, GE Astrakharchik, A Polls, B Juliá-Díaz
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 022008 (2020)
Shell-shaped condensates with gravitational sag: contact and dipolar interactions.
M. Arazo, R. Mayol, M. Guilleumas
New J. Phys. 23, 113040 (2021)
Vortices with massive cores in a binary mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates
Andrea Richaud, V. Penna, R. Mayol, M. Guilleumas